What is a Cloud Infrastructure? Pros and Cons

Cloud Infrastructure

A lot of businesses today have been using cloud infrastructure to highly automate computing processes and business operations with cost savings and scalable computing resources. This practice is boosting the power of the internet more than ever and evolved the ways we use a computer. Today, it serves as a challenging opportunity for SMEs online to execute cloud computing technologies in their business to increase the value of work and decrease production costs.

With the use of cloud computing access to applications and information from any location worldwide and from any device with an internet connection could be done. But just like any application, it has pros and cons that we need to understand before using it.

Pros of Cloud Infrastructure:

  • Infuse more in strategy and less putting in stress.

IT team could help your business goals by reducing security risks, increasing team productivity, and combining systems to reduce duplication of information.

  • Market efficiency

Putting your products and services on the market faster by having a framework, building, and testing using the cloud.

  • Increase competition margins

Save money on purchasing, staffing, housing, security, and maintenance on in-house systems.

  • Improve IT security

Make a numerical bound in IT security without spending capital required for on-premise IT.

  • Smooth-running monthly billings

With the less use of physical manpower on accounting, together with the IT teams, it forms an agreement into a single contract reducing workload and decreasing difficulty in keeping on track of which service provider did and needed to be paid.

Cons of Cloud infrastructure

  • Downtime problem

If your internet service suffers from frequent outages or slow speeds, cloud computing may not be suitable for your business. When your business is hardly dependent on your cloud reliability, it would be difficult if cloud computing service providers suffer a server outage now and again.

  • Security Issues

Using cloud computing applications that involve using or storing data that you are not comfortable having on the internet should be kept away. Data security is a big concern and should be taken care of. Keep in mind also that your cloud data is accessible from anywhere on the internet. The data breach may occur with careless username and password security. Business data can be compromised.

  • Cost of custom software and data transfer

Cloud computing applications may differ with a software solution installed and run in-house but the quality and progress may also differ. Because when you use cloud-based software to suit your needs, it can add a great amount to the cost.

  • Some cloud app’s inflexibility

Moving to the cloud, your cloud vendor contract may specify your ownership of your data and that other vendors match up with the current standards.

  • Vulnerable to an electronic attack

Exposed to a wide range, a wide-open opportunity for attacks on data or activities stored on the server may occur because the cloud computing work system is online.

1028 Business Consultancy is one of the Cebu cloud infrastructure providers that offers components needed for cloud computing, which includes hardware, abstracted resources, storage, and network resources. Cloud infrastructure serves as the tools needed to build a cloud. In order to host services and applications in the cloud, you need cloud infrastructure.

Find out more about cloud infrastructure providers on this link and how useful it is for your business.

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